Zhimeng Jiang

Staff Research Scientist

Team: AI Solutions

Research areas: Trustworthy Machine Learning, Graph Neural Networks, GenAI

Dr. Zhimeng Jiang joined Visa Research as a Staff Research Scientist in September 2023. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Texas A&M University in 2023. Before that, he received a B.S. degree from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) in 2016, and a M.S. degree from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2019. As a member of the Artificial Intelligence team, his research interests are in graph learning, trustworthy machine learning, efficient machine learning and GenAI. His research has been awarded the Outstanding Paper Award at ICML'22 and the Best Demo Paper Award at CIKM'22. He has published more than 20 papers in top-tier venues, such as NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, TheWebConf, AAAI, IJCAI, CIKM, and TMLR.


  1. Jiang, Zhimeng, Xiaotian Han, Chao Fan, Zirui Liu, Na Zou, Ali Mostafavi, and Xia Hu. "Chasing Fairness in Graphs: A GNN Architecture Perspective." In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 38, no. 19, pp. 21214-21222. 2024.
  2. Jiang, Zhimeng, Xiaotian Han, Hongye Jin, Guanchu Wang, Rui Chen, Na Zou, and Xia Hu. "Chasing Fairness Under Distribution Shift: A Model Weight Perturbation Approach." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (2023).
  3. Jiang, Zhimeng, Kaixiong Zhou, Zirui Liu, Li Li, Rui Chen, Soo-Hyun Choi, and Xia Hu. "An information fusion approach to learning with instance-dependent label noise." In International Conference on Learning Representations. 2022.
  4. Jiang, Zhimeng, Xiaotian Han, Chao Fan, Fan Yang, Ali Mostafavi, and Xia Hu. "Generalized demographic parity for group fairness." In International Conference on Learning Representations. 2022.
  5. Han, Xiaotian*, Zhimeng Jiang*, Hongye Jin*, Zirui Liu, Na Zou, Qifan Wang, and Xia Hu. "Retiring $\Delta\text {DP} $: New Distribution-Level Metrics for Demographic Parity." Transactions on Machine Learning Research (2023).
  6. Han, Xiaotian, Zhimeng Jiang, Ninghao Liu, and Xia Hu. "G-mixup: Graph data augmentation for graph classification." In International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 8230-8248. PMLR, 2022. (Outstanding Paper Award)
  7. Wang, Guanchu*, Zaid Pervaiz Bhat*, Zhimeng Jiang*, Yi-Wei Chen*, Daochen Zha*, Alfredo Costilla Reyes*, Afshin Niktash et al. "Bed: A real-time object detection system for edge devices." In Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management, pp. 4994-4998. 2022. (Best Demo Paper Award)