Certificate Authority (CA) contact information
Visa Inc.
Cryptographic Review Forum (CRF)
P.O. Box 8999
San Francisco, CA 94128
[email protected]
Visa Inc.
Cryptographic Review Forum (CRF)
P.O. Box 8999
San Francisco, CA 94128
[email protected]
Except as explicitly provided in an applicable agreement with an Authorized Relying Party or subscriber, Visa Inc. expressly disclaims all warranties, express or implied, concerning the functionality, issuance, use, validity, or accuracy of Visa certificates.
Certificates issued within the Visa Inc. Public Key Infrastructures ("Visa PKI's") conform to the X.509 v.3 standard and/or EMVCO Specifications. Validation procedures and usage limitations are set forth in the Visa Inc. Certificate Policy ("Visa CP") and/or in applicable Visa policies and agreements.
Certificates issued within a Visa PKI are for use solely by Authorized Relying Parties and subscribers, in accordance with relevant provisions of the Visa Inc. By-Laws, Visa Inc. Operating Regulations, Visa policies, and private contractual agreements between or among Visa Inc., its financial institutions, Authorized Relying Parties, and subscribers. Policies concerning the issuance and use of Visa certificates are contained in the Visa, Inc. Certificate Policy (CP).
Reliance on Visa certificates is limited to persons or entities who have a current and valid business relationship with Visa Inc. and who are contractually bound to comply with the Visa Inc. Operating Regulations (hereafter, "Authorized Relying Parties"). The terms and conditions under which an Authorized Relying Party may rely upon a Visa certificate are set forth in the Visa Inc. By-Laws, Visa Inc. Operating Regulations, relevant Visa policies, and/or in an applicable relying party agreement. NO PERSON OR ENTITY WHO IS NOT AN AUTHORIZED RELYING PARTY MAY RELY UPON A VISA CERTIFICATE FOR ANY PURPOSE.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Per applicable provisions of the Visa Inc. Operating Regulations, subscriber agreements, or relying party agreements.
Subscriber obligations are set forth in the relevant product agreement, service agreement, or subscriber agreement pursuant to which the subscriber obtained a Visa certificate.
Visa PKI's are audited according to the AICPA/CICA WebTrust standard.
Certificate status checking obligations of Authorized Relying Parties are set forth in the Visa Inc. Certificate Policy (CP) and/or in applicable Visa policies and agreements.