Why Visa+ with payname?


Remove barriers between participating apps and merchants, while empowering users with choice.


Gain access to millions of new endpoints for both domestic peer-to-peer (P2P) and business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions.


Seamlessly connect to all participating platforms through a single integration with a trusted network.

A hand is holding a phone screen that displays an example of a Visa+ payname, which is (+amiller.wallet). A hand is holding a phone screen that displays an example of a Visa+ payname, which is (+amiller.wallet).

What’s a Visa+ payname?

Just one handle. This personalized, receive-only payment address, linked to a user’s payment app, eliminates the need to juggle multiple accounts or share personal contact info.

Payment apps can deepen engagement

Visa+ with payname simplifies personal payments so users can do more without ever leaving their preferred participating payment app.


Users can move funds from their participating app of choice rather than setting up multiple accounts.  


No need to share email addresses or phone numbers. A Visa+ payname is all users need to direct payments.

Real-Time¹ Payouts

Be the destination for users’ real-time¹ payouts from participating gig, marketplace and creator platforms.

A new peer-to-peer approach

Users set up one payname in their preferred wallet, and pay or get paid regardless of the participating app their peers use.

Merchants can expand real-time¹ payments

Merchants can deliver real-time¹ payouts to participating payment apps, offering users flexibility to make their wallet apps a primary destination for earnings and other payments.


Grant users more flexibility with increased options for how they get paid.


There's no need to share sensitive details like emails or phone numbers to get paid — just a Visa+ payname.

Real-Time¹ Payouts

Enable secure, real-time¹ payouts to users’ Visa+-enabled accounts with a single integration.

Illustration of a merchant app that can transfer funds to neobanks and digital wallets. Illustration of a merchant app that can transfer funds to neobanks and digital wallets.

Integration that pays

By integrating Visa+ into their platform, merchants can send payouts directly to customers’ participating digital wallet, neobank or any other Visa+-enabled account.

Visa+ U.S. partners²

Enable users to send and receive funds on other participating apps

Venmo logo.
PayPal logo.
Western Union logo.
Current logo.

Make it easier for payment apps and merchants to offer Visa+

DailyPay logo.
fiserv logo
Payactiv logo.
eTip logo.
TabaPay logo.
i2c logo.
Astra logo.
Cross River logo.

A welcome solution


Surveyed consumers express interest in consolidating their P2P transfers.³

87 %

Of surveyed consumers agree that the concept of Visa+ is convenient, easy to use and innovative.⁴

83 %

Of surveyed gig workers, creators and freelancers said they’d likely select to receive payment for their work via P2P apps.⁵

Frequently asked questions

A Visa+ payname is a unique, personalized, receive-only payment address linked to a user’s participating payment app account. The Visa+ payname follows a standardized format: +username.domain. Users may only have one Visa+ payname per eligible personal account in a participating payment app.

Interested in learning more?

Contact your Visa representative to learn how you can offer Visa+.