For Visa to process an invoice, Suppliers are required to submit the following:
- Official non-editable invoices for processing, adhering to local regulatory requirements
- Invoices following Visa Order instructions with the appropriate Visa entity as the “Bill To”
- Invoice details must include:
- unique invoice number,
- an invoice date,
- contractually agreed payment terms and currency,
- applicable Purchase Order number and line number,
- Visa contact information,
- supplier contact information,
- the remittance address,
- a description of services (matching to the Purchase Order),
- the service period, and
- banking payment information
To promote timely payment, invoices must go directly via email to the appropriate regional Accounts Payable team. Invoices will be paid when the invoice has met the net payment terms outlined in the agreed upon contract. All invoices and related inquiries should be directed to the regional teams as follows:
- Asia Pacific - [email protected]
- Canada - [email protected]
- CEMEA - [email protected]
- Latin America - [email protected]
- Argentina - [email protected]
- Chile - [email protected]
- Colombia - [email protected]
- Mexico - [email protected]
- Panama - [email protected]
- Peru - [email protected]
- Venezuela - [email protected]
- VISPE - [email protected]