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U.S. Perspectives
Explore trends in U.S. economic growth and consumer retail spending.
Visa U.S. Economic Forecast
The latest updated monthly forecast from the Visa Business and Economic Insights team.
Holiday spending preview
Still-inflated prices and growing worries about the labor market may lead to more cautious holiday spending this year.
Visa U.S. Regional Forecast
The latest updated regional forecast data from the Visa Business and Economic Insights team.
Travel Insights
Follow economic trends in travel and tourism.
Latest global travel insight
AP tourism has shifted: Mainland Chinese travelers have pulled back on outbound travel while Indian outbound travel and luxury goods spend is growing rapidly.
2023 was the year of beach and business destinations
In 2023, the world’s 1,000 most-visited cities welcomed 1.2 billion foreign visitors, marking a near-complete recovery in the volume of international arrivals.
Growth in single-person households is reshaping global travel
The rise of single-person households is shifting the global consumer landscape, presenting a growing challenge for the travel industry.
Global Perspectives
Actionable intelligence about the evolving global economy.
Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024: And the first gold medal goes to…
Summer Olympics travel shapes Europe economic outlook.
The 2024 Europe outlook: Is a turnaround within reach?
An economic revival could be on the horizon for Europe.
From game over to game on: The rise of the video gamer economy
Economic, social and digital trends are converging to skyrocket the video gamer economy to $205 billion by 2026.
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About Visa Business and Economic Insights
Visa Business and Economic Insights, part of Visa Consulting and Analytics, offers actionable intelligence about the evolving global economy. Our timely insights in the following areas help you make decisions that will position your business for success.